Monday, November 17, 2008

NKOTB!! I absolutely LOVE these guys I went to their concert about 19 years ago (im so old) and I have to say I have always been a HUGE FAN and those of you thinking im lame REALLY missed out on a FANTASTIC concert. I have NEVER had so much fun at at a concert these guys really kick ass! I had 2nd row so that helped as well! I actually touched Jordan Knight and he went in for a hug to the gal right next to me... I Tried for Donnie but my damn arms arent long enough! But im telling you Girls they still got it! I am so glad I went and I know I totally sound like that getty 10 year old from 19 years ago but I am still STOKED! I hope you all had as great of a weekend as I did! And dont forget this is CRUNCH week for the AIDS Foundation all donations are needed this week! So please help out guys... As little as $5.00 will help! Thanks again to all of you for your support! NEW KIDS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Utah Aids Foundation

I am currently trying to raise money for the Utah Aids Foundation As some of you may know my Fathers partner Kelly, passed away 11 years ago from the AIDS. This was a very tramatic thing for me Kelly was like my father I will never forget him. While Kelly was battling for his life the AIDS foundation gave him some of the most amazing donations, their generosity and support really needs to be repaid! Please help out! I will also be organizing a donation rally night, we will be arranging Stockings stuffed with miscellaneous hygene products and Food baskets for Turkey Day. I hope all of you will come and take the time to do good for others more details to come! You may also visit for any other information. Thanks!


Not too much has been going on. We have accomplished our first Halloween Trick or Treating and we had a BLAST! I am going to try and get some pics up.. my computer is being tempermental. Miss Boo was a pumpkin, Kas was Jasmine and Minnie Mouse.. Dont ask why there were two costumes LOL! They both looked adorable! When we were done trick or treating we made Haunted Gingerbread Houses which was fun. We had a great time. Over the Weekend we found out some great news... Darrell's cousin is having a baby! Dallas and Melissa live in Italy Dallas is stationed there cause he is one of the many amazing people defending our country. I have yet to meet them since we married but I feel as if I already know them from all the stories D tell's me and all the fantastic scrapbooks Melissa has made to track their past! Congrats guys! One day we will go visit them ;) Things are going really well for us. As for an update on my mother not much has progressed, other then she is cancer free for 11 years as of halloween! GO MOM! We are still awaiting the surgery to fix her implant. I will keep you updated. Thanks for your well wishes!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Miss Kasidy!

Miss Kasidy had a fun day at her school last week, she and her classs wallked accross the street to the pumpkin patch and all the parents got to go and shoot some pics.. All the kids got their own lil pumpkin. She had a great time!

Monday, October 13, 2008

2 Nights Away!

This weekend was a weird one for me...........
We tried the Friday to Sunday with Mylees dad and it was way too long for me! Miss Mylee had a great time and loves her daddy but mommy was having withdrawls!
So to help keep my mind off Mylee My lovely husband took the time to spoil me rotten and take me shopping for some new clothes and a busy weekend. We had a great weekend together and watched some "scary" low budget bad acting movies... It was nice to relax. But Miss boo got home at about 2:30 Sunday (YAY) and she was beat! She must have worn herself out with Daddy.......... She was in bed by 7:45 and slept until 8:15 this morning! I cant wait to play with her after work. Looking forward to a great week!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Last Weekend!

So I am a little late in the week but I just want to tell you all that we had a such a great weekend! Darrells mom gave me some fancy new clubs for my Birthday so Marnie and Kenny were kind enough to suffer through the pain of 18 holes with new golfers! But boy oh boy it was fun... I used muscles I didnt even know I had! Darrell lost a full box of balls, by "box" I mean 12 balls!! He also found every tree on the course! But still a great time....Thanks Guys! Later that evening we went to Club 90 with them and my parents.. Always a good time with the folks! My mom had a great time and considering the current events she really needed it! My parents just go out there and tear it up on that dance floor its great. Darrell and I then had Sunday to ourselves.. It was nice to relax and just chill! We are looking forward to an adventurous upcoming weekend with the girls!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What a week!

So my mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 11 years ago and it was horrible. She had to have a Mastectomy. She had a few complications and ended up losing one of the new implants. After a year or two they did another reconstructive surgery to fix the one side. Well this week she has had more problems the implant is now empty and needs to be removed. Ugh! My mother has to be the STRONGEST woman I know I couldnt even imagine how she is feeling right now. She will be having the surgery in the next few weeks please pray for her! And to all my gal pals, October is national Breast Cancer Awareness Month please get those Ta Ta's Checked!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Logan Arrived!

One of my longtime friends had a new baby yesterday at 4:30am! Let me introduce you to Lil Logan he weighed in at 6lbs 11oz 15in long! Cute as can be, I went and saw him last night and its hard for me to imagine that Mylee used to be that small! He is amazing! Miss mylee didnt know what to think of him and just kept pointing and saying "baby baby" it was so cute! Congrats Guys and Best of Luck!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What a busy weekend!

So alot of my friends have told me that Cookie Cutters is too expensive to take the kids to, but I got to tell ya I really enjoyed it and im sure miss boo did to!We took her there on Friday and she looks great with her cute lil bob. So I recommend them highly it was a fun time!
Then me and Darrell decided to go see Hancock ( I know Im a lil behind) but we rather enjoyed it... it was better then I thought it would be.
On Saturday my fantastic husband decided to take me to Park City for my birthday, although we love our girls dearly this was some much needed time alone. We had a great time, and it was B.E.A ~Utiful up there. We did some shopping and just hung out. It was fabulous!

I need to introduce Miss Kasidy... She is my new lil girl.. She is 6 years old and an absolute doll.. her and mylee love eachother very much... we have alot of fun together... Dance the nights away. She has just started 1st grade and is doing great!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Miss Boo is now 15 months old she has a mouth full of teeth and just got off her bottle. She is such a butterball she has the most amazing personality and is by far the happiest baby I know. Every day I am intirgued to see what she will discover and I wouldnt trade her for the world.


A little about us. We met about two years ago at work. We had been great friends when we decided to date and we will continue to be bestest friends. We have two kids, Kasidy and Mylee. Kasidy is 6 years old and from Darrells first marriage. I love her so much I feel as if she is my own. I have a little girl named Mylee, she is 15 months old and a lot of fun. We cherish our family very much, there is nothing that we enjoy more than our two little girls. We recently eloped in Las Vegas on Darrells 30th Birthday. What fun that was. We truely enjoyed the look on each persons face when we told them the surprising news. We are looking forward to a lifetime of happiness together as well as watching our girls grow.