Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sorry Long Time!

Hello Everyone! Sorry it has been awhile, I have been a Busy gal. So lets start tghis blog off right.... Im PREGNANT!!! Cant belive Im on round two for another Bambino! I am about 7 weeks is all, so a long road to go! I have my first Dr. Apt on January 5. I will keep you posted. And though I am totally against it, it sounds as if this time around we will find out if its a Boy or a Girl! I liked the element of surprise with Mylee, However this is a big thing in the girls' life so they will be envolved every step of the way and they unananimously out voted me (of course Darrell too). So my New Year resolution is to keep this blog updated! So until next time folks!


Amber {Utah Photography} said...

Wow, I almost fell over and died when seeing you updated! :) Keep blogging I wanna hear all about the pregnancy! Congrats again!!

The Larson Fam said...

I'm with ya on the whole blogging thing..I'm going to get better at blogging and start again. I'm glad to hear that your pregnancy appt went well and everything looks great, def keep us blog buddies updated and put some pics of your ultrasound too...Your pregnancy will go fast even though it seems like forever til he or she will arrive. So happy your blogging again:)