Friday, March 27, 2009

Date Night

So tonight Darrell and I are going out to enjoy some Sushi, and a WELL NEEDED night out. I am excited to have some one and one time with him. Im especially excited about the Sushi! Doesnt take much to please this gal! I will miss my bug as I aslways do when she is with her Dad, but I know she likes going and will have a good time. Hope you all have a great weekend!!


Amber {Utah Photography} said...

Have Fun!! Glad your back to the blogging world!

The Larson Fam said...

Have a good good time!

edwards family said...

Chad and I had a date night while Ole Minnie watched the boys, It was also well needed and fun. We just went to see a movie called "Knowing" w/ Nick Cage. Heard of it? Don't go see it, it was WEIRD!!! Wait for Redbox. I've never had sushi,am I missin out?